Flour and Grains of the Southwest
As part of our commitment to sustainability – and to foster cultivation of artisanal foods and the revitalization of heritage grains in the American Southwest – we work with local farmers who grow heirloom varieties of grain and flour for the home chef seeking superior flavor and nutrition. Their production supports local agriculture and community businesses.
Our flours are freshly milled from heritage wheats for everyday baking to increase nutrition and add flavor.
Our unmilled whole grains can be cooked for salads, soups, breakfast bowls, or side dishes – or milled into fresh whole-grain flour. Because they retain the bran and germ of the wheat kernel they are high-fiber and have a sweet, nutty flavor.
Without artificial preservatives or additives, our grains and flours are nutritionally dense and easily digestible.

Precision Blend
A proprietary mix of robust sifted and whole grain flours, for any baking that calls for all-purpose flour. Locally sourced.
Ingredients: Wheat Flour, Hard Red Spring Wheat Flour.
Small – 1.5 lbs (680 gms)
Large – 3 lbs (1361 gms)

Barrio Blend
A hearty mix of whole grain flours for crisp crust and strong protein in any baked good, or to make Barrio Bread’s iconic Heritage loaf. Locally sourced.
Ingredients: Precision Blend Wheat Flour, Hard Red Spring Wheat Flour .
Small – 1.5 lbs (680 gms)
Large – 3 lbs (1361 gms)

Sonoran Blend
A proprietary mix of White Sonoran and Hard Red Spring wheats in a versatile soft flour that raises the nutrition and flavor of muffins, cookies, scones, and pancakes. Locally sourced
Ingredients: Precision Blend Wheat Flour, White Sonoran Wheat Flour.
Small – 1.5 lbs (680 gms)
Large – 3 lbs (1361 gms)

White Sonoran
A soft buttery grain brought to Arizona by Spanish missionaries in the 1600s and ground to create flour tortillas of the Sonoran region. Locally sourced.
Ingredients: White Sonoran Wheat
1.5 lbs (680 gms)

Red Fife
A complex and hearty wheat berry brought to America from Scotland in the 1800s. Locally sourced.
Ingredients: Red Fife Wheat
1.5 lbs (680 gms)

Hard Red Spring
A modern wheat berry grown in dry climates, with a strong protein content and full-bodied malty flavor. Locally sourced.
Ingredients: Hard Red Spring Wheat
1.5 lbs (680 gms)

Pizza Crust Kit
Add water to this proprietary blend of flour, yeast, and salt to create three 8” pizza dough crusts. Locally sourced.
Ingredients: Precision Wheat Flour, Salt, Yeast.
1 lb (454 gms).